Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow and Icy Weather Hits Nashville

Well, you can read the weather report anywhere. Here's a personal experience that sums up what the ice and snow have done to my weekend.

I spent early afternoon standing on my balcony watching ice derby, with cars spinning their wheels trying to make it up the hill of the parking lot, and then watching them slide back down backwards. LOL.

I was running from one end the building to other to see if they were going to make it. One guy with four wheel drive finally made it up on his second attempt.

In the late afternoon the ice finally seemed to be slushing out. I guess it got warm enough to start melting. Wonder what it will be like tomorrow morning. I'm not taking any chances to go work. That's why I have leave. I'll just extend my weekend if there's the slightest chance of me sliding around.

About half an hour later:

Well, I tried to drive out of here. I got out of the parking lot, up the first street, then once I turned onto the street that was up hill; I got half way up, hit ice, and spent my wheels a little. So I gave that up pretty quick, maneuvered back down hill in reverse, and came back home.

I'm about to email my manager and tell her I won't be there in the morning. We'll see what the ice is like later in the day.

Video Report from USA Today:
Read more:

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