Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dear President Obama "Who'll volunteer for Tennessee?"

From CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 blog

AC360° Correspondent Rom Foreman

Reporter's Note: The President is facing a variety of urgent matters at the moment, from the Gulf oil spill to the attempted terror strike. But I’m using my daily letter to the White House to point out one more.

Dear Mr. President,

Sometimes big news stories just get steamrolled by even bigger stories. It’s not right and it’s not fair, and it’s happening to Tennessee right now. The flooding is absol
utely awful, and we owe the people there more attention. In between doing research and stories on the attempted terror attack in New York, and the oil spill in the Gulf, I looked at some of the pictures from Nashville this afternoon and I could not believe my eyes.

I don’t know how much time you have spent there, but it really is a lovely state full of very nice folks, and Nashville is a blast. I went there a few years ago with one of my daughters on our way to Space Camp in Alabama and we had so much fun. The Country Music Hall of Fame (now surrounded by water,) Hatch Show Print (ditto,) Ryman auditorium (uh…that too,) and of course the Grand Ole Opry (which is just plain under water.)
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