Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lt. Gov Ron Ramsey Wants Corporate Donations...For the Good of Campaigns

Tennessee Senate Speaker/Lt. Gov Ron Ramsey apparently doesn't think the supreme court went far enough in deciding that corporations have the same speech rights as individual human citizens in airing ads at any time during a campaign. He wants more.

Lt Gov. Ron Ramsey

As quoted by the Nashville Scene at the First Tuesday Club meeting on Febuary 2nd, Ramsey stated:

A lot of people think that now I, Ron Ramsey, candidate for state Senate, can take contributions from corporations. We can't. What can happen is corporations can pool their money and run independent expenditures. Me as a state senator whether I'm running for office or whether I'm running for governor ... I want to be able to control my message. So it scares me just a tad. So I think what we need to do in the state of Tennessee is what about 28 other states do and allow direct corporate contributions to candidates here in the state of Tennessee. It will allow you to control your message. ... I am for full disclosure.

Wow, if those aren't some logical gymnastics, I don't know what is.

Rasesy is trying to tell us that getting direct legal bribes from coporations is some how better so that he can control his message. Yes, because that's what the purpose of government for the people, and by the people is all about; politicians personal PR campaigns. Read more:

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