Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pictures From 2010 Silent March In Nashville

We previously posted about that April 19, 2010 Silent March that reprised the historic march on the same day 50 years earlier. Now we have pictures from the march and post march rally.

All photos and comments by D. Yobachi Boswell

Silent March,Nashville
Marchers come together at Jefferson Street Baptist Church

Nashville Black Convenant Coalitions,Silent March
Nashville Black Convenant Coalitions leaders Kenneth Caine and Will Robison survey the scene before march.

Silent March
Going South on Jefferson St after the underpass.

James Lawson,Silent March
Jim Lawson giving opening remarks.

Silent March,Nashville
Marches listen to speakers at courthouse rally.

Diane Nash,Silent March
Diane Nash reprises her role at the courthouse, again, 50 years to the day she made history when questioning Mayor Ben West about segregation.

Silent March,Silent March,Nashville,Nashville
Death Penalty advocate speaks to crowd at courthouse rally.

Silent March,Nashville
High school student Courtney Kane (front center) is flanked by organizers, and Fisk Studnet DJ on her right, and Pastor Sanders and Ashley on her left. Read more:

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