Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nashville After Flood Information

Here are some updates about what's going on with Nashville after the flood.

- This first thing is just a personal note. They say we're not running out of gas, but I was at the Exxon on Charlotte & I-40 about 5:30 this evening, and they're out of all grades. My suggestion is that you better fill up while you can.

- On the other hand you need to not hoard water. At a press conference this morning it was stressed by a city water official that people's refusal to heed the call to cut back on there water usage by half is going to cause us big problems.

On a good front though, the plant in Donelson that was underwater has now been dried out; but it's not operational yet.

-You can make donations to Middle Tennessee flood relief by texting REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10.

-Metro schools are out for at least the rest of this week; but Metro School teachers and staff are asked to report for work tomorrow.

-Police Chief Ronald Surpass told me this afternoon that the electricity is back on in Metrocenter, but they're only allowing limited access to business owners with credentials and only SUVs because there's still flooding.

- Tomorrow FEMA's Dirctor will visit Nashville.

-The Opryland Hotel announced today that it will take 3 months or more for the resort to come back online. Good news for employees it that they're going to pay employees with benefits for 6 weeks.

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